External Flash Worksheet

  1. When would you use external flash? – When there isn’t enough life or inside.
  2. Do you need to meter the light if you use flash? – No you do not.
  3. What does flash synchronization mean? – When the camera shutter speed and the external flash are synced.
  4. What does ETTL mean? – Evaluative Through The Lens.
  5. What will happen when you shoot faster than the camera sync speed?- Half of the picture will turn out black.
  6. Why do photographers bounce the flash and use a diffuser? – To soften the light.
  7. What is a slave? – Used to instruct a flash unit to monitor incoming light.
  8. What should you do if your image comes out too dark or too light? – Make the Aperture wider with a smaller number or bring up the ISO.

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