A JEPG file or Joint Photographic Experts Group is standard image format for containing compact lossy image data. JPEG are pretty small files while also keeping somewhat good quality to a picture. A RAW file format is generally big in size because it contains minimally processed image data with lossless quality. This file format is used to store the fullest details of the captured images so that they can be edited with users taste and preference. Raw and JPEG files are different because of how the camera treats them.

A JPEG file has been compressed by your camera therefore it doesn’t have all the correct information recorded by the cameras sensor during exposure. On the other hand a RAW file is the exact opposite capturing the exact information recorded by the camera’s sensor. When using a JPEG file, information in the brightest and darkest areas of an image has been lost and in a case of under or overexposure, the detail in these areas is not recoverable. This is not the case with RAW files and many issues can be easily corrected in editing.


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